1. Create a network infrastructure design communications document that includes identified hardware components, connections to outside world, identified physical layer connectivity (media) and addressing, including operational and security components in the design.

This diagram basically maps out the whole setup the Vyos Router,Ubuntu Server,Developer Workstation and Ubuntu Host computers.

This diagram basically maps out the whole setup the Vyos Router,Ubuntu Server,Developer Workstation and Ubuntu Host computers.

In this diagram I designed how their network infrastructure should turn out to look. Based off the information I got in the class. So I included 4 engineers, 50 manufactures, along with the Apache users and included an administrative team the Accounting,IT,Executive departments. Then I added 3 switches,3 routers,3 apache servers.

In this diagram I designed how their network infrastructure should turn out to look. Based off the information I got in the class. So I included 4 engineers, 50 manufactures, along with the Apache users and included an administrative team the Accounting,IT,Executive departments. Then I added 3 switches,3 routers,3 apache servers.
2. Install, configure and test security hardware and software tools with supporting documentation such as port scanners,vulnerability detection systems, intrusion detection systems, firewalls, system hardening, anti-virus tools, patch management, auditing and assessment.

This was where I had to get my Vyos Virtual Machine all setup. I had to input the install image command that the way the installation process could continue.

I had configured the Vyos router and I setup the subnets of 100 and 120 but it wasn’t used. Eth0/Eth0.120 I had to change the IP addresses on those interfaces and I had to also set up the gateway of Vyos so that all the routed from host machine to Vyos. Same with all the other VM’s.

My Vyos router gateway is added to my developer workstation.So every time I would open my Developer Virtual machine I will need to have my Vyos router opened so that I can have connectivity to the internet and run installations as well as running configurations.

This was where I had to get my Vyos Virtual Machine all setup. I had to input the install image command that the way the installation process could continue.

I had to change the default password here and made sure it wasn't the same password that I have used before. I made my password strong with 8 characters and lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Making it difficult to crack/guess.

Here I was able to obtain a security certificate and enable encryption.

I picked this Password Manager because using 256-bit AES encryption and is secure has good ratings and is available cross-platform. Keeper is best known for its security purposes and its on top on of the line for various things like that. With this Version you can auto-gen passwords and also protect files get passwords that are very good in strength and privately share records with people that need it for verification reasons or background history.also have the ability to integrate with SSO,LDA

I had to change the default password here and made sure it wasn't the same password that I have used before. I made my password strong with 8 characters and lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Making it difficult to crack/guess.
3. Construct, implement and document a script or a program to automate a security related process or other tasks such as installation, administration, management, mapping resources, logon scripts, patch management, updates, auditing, analysis and assessment

I created this bash script and called it Networkrecon.sh and typed out all of this code in Nano text editor on my Ubuntu machine. The #!/bin/bash is best known as “shabang” which is like the sequence of each of the characters like the number sign and exclamation mark before a script is typed out. This was my Intro to bash and I learned that this can automate a lot for you to do system admin tasks along with that effective debugging. Kind of easy to use.

Here is where I am executing the printf header and the values that can be separated. The printf header is whats being executed and so that the values can seperated. Then where it says cat temp its saying that its changing the temp file to go to results file. Therefore temp gets deleted below that. Then cat results so that the file can obviously be opened after the scan is done.

I was able to scan and look at the ports it showed me and there were 2 of them that were opened ssh and http. This makes it quick and thanks to automation this process made it very simple to utilize and run the script correctly.

I created this bash script and called it Networkrecon.sh and typed out all of this code in Nano text editor on my Ubuntu machine. The #!/bin/bash is best known as “shabang” which is like the sequence of each of the characters like the number sign and exclamation mark before a script is typed out. This was my Intro to bash and I learned that this can automate a lot for you to do system admin tasks along with that effective debugging. Kind of easy to use.

Wrote this script to create a automatic nmap scan

Did a ping scan to see if its running.

Wrote this script to create a automatic nmap scan
4. Create a policy or procedure that addresses events such as: a disaster recovery plan, a business continuity plan, an incident response policy, an acceptable usage document, an information security policy, a physical security policy, assessments or troubleshooting procedures.
BCDR Incident Response Paper
Security Awareness paper

5. Develop a research report or implementation plan concerning legal and ethical best practices and mandated
requirements that pertain to information security.
Malware paper
Exponential Technology Portfolio
6. Research, document, test, and evaluate several current industry information security based threats, risks, malicious activities, covert methodology, encryption technologies, mitigation techniques, or unconventional tactics to prevent loss of sensitive information and data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.